Class AbstractButton

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, LayoutElement, Positionable
Direct Known Subclasses:
CheckboxButton, CustomButton, CycleButton, ImageButton, LockButton, SendInstructionButton, TextButton

public abstract class AbstractButton extends AbstractTextWidget
Represents a Button on the screen.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH
      The default width of a button.
      See Also:

      public static final int SMALL_WIDTH
      The default width of a small button.
      See Also:

      public static final int BIG_WIDTH
      The default width of a big button.
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT
      The default height of a button.
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_SPACING
      The default width and height spacing between buttons.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details