Class AsyncPlayerClickMouseEvent

public class AsyncPlayerClickMouseEvent extends AsyncModifiedInputEvent
Called when a player clicks or releases a button their mouse.
  • Constructor Details

    • AsyncPlayerClickMouseEvent

      public AsyncPlayerClickMouseEvent(@NotNull @NotNull SocketPlayer player, @NotNull @NotNull MouseButton button, @NotNull @NotNull Action action, int flags)
      Constructs a new PlayerClickMouseEvent.
      player - The player that clicked their mouse.
      button - The button that was clicked.
      action - The action that was performed
      flags - Bitfield for flags of the mouse click
  • Method Details

    • getButton

      @NotNull public @NotNull MouseButton getButton()
      Gets the button that was clicked.
      The button that was clicked
    • getAction

      @NotNull public @NotNull Action getAction()
      Gets the action that was performed.
      The action that was performed